November 29, 2014

MAJOR Aquarium Updates!

Guess what I got today?

A 20-gallon aquarium. :3 I give it 10 out of 10 stars (10 being best. Dur.)

Here it is in the box:

This is probably one of the greatest, if not the greatest, aquarium update I’ll post. My fishies will have more swimming space and be all happy and kawaii.

And so will I. (Minus the “kawaii”.)

It came with a lot of stuff, too. A filter. An LED light hood, the aquarium (who knew, right?), a net:

It’s mint-green, too. *Favorite color*. It also came with a water sampler kit, a thermometer, and a heater which I probably won’t use, unless the LEDs aren’t good for heating the water optimally, in which case, I will use the heater.

Did that make any sense at all? Who cares.

Here’s what my 10-gallon looks like right now:

I know. It’s very homely. I’m going to post frequent updates on what I do.

Also, while I was getting the aquarium, I picked up some frozen foods for my eel. It was four-pack sampler, with Spirulina algae and brine shrimp nauplii (Artemia salina), bloodworms, and several other delicious-looking entrées.

Also, I have set up a quarantine tank, in case my fish get sick or I get new fish. New fish could have diseases, so you always quarantine them first. My quarantine, shown below along with my 2.5-gallon skunk loach (Syncrossus morleti) species tank and my 3-gallon Siamese fightingfish (Micracanthus splendens). The quarantine tank is a 10-gallon tub with a few sparse decorations. The live plants in there are from the 10-gallon aquarium; they’re waiting out a bit till I set up my 20. :)

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out my friend Annie’s blog! :) She posts delicious recipes and some species profiles on mammals, like otters, dogs, cats, and—my favorite—moles!

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