December 14, 2014

Fish Tank Rant Time! :3

Today I went to the Maritime Aquarium in Connecticut. And what do you think they were selling? A 1.5 quart USB mini-aquarium that you have to plug into your computer to work, or something like that.

Look at this thing. So tiny. So horrible. Would YOU like to be stuck in a tiny walk in closet for the rest of your life?

It was also $40.00—a relatively decent price to lure you in.

On the box it says, “Perfect for bettas, goldfish, and other tropical fish!

Take a look at this:

There’s not only a goldfish (Carassius auratus) in this one, which by the way needs at least 15 gallons of water, there’s also a wimple banded sharkminnow (Myxocyprinus asiaticus), which grows up to four feet five inches long!!

Guppy (Girardinus guppy) and “balloon-type” short-finned mollies (Poecilia sphenops).

This is just sad. THREE southern platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus)?

Now this has two lampeye moenkhausias (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae), it also has several tiny danios.

In this tank there are at least six fish. And it’s 1.5 quarts!

Two goldfish

Three goldfish :(

What I think…1.5 quarts: perfect for shrimp and snails, but death trap for poor fish. :(

$40.00 is kind of a good deal if you want a cheap shrimp/snail tank. Buy it off Amazon for even less: $33.80.

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